It’s time to invest in your marriage with a retreat that will help you grow, reconnect, and focus on what matters the most - each other. We will bring you a variety of topics with practical advice and creative activities that will help you have a thriving marriage.
When your marriage is just surviving, you are missing out on what it could be. When your marriage is flourishing you thrive and it spills over into other areas of your life. It can bring peace, joy, and fulfillment.
All sessions are pre-recorded and will all be made available instantly. This retreat, including all of its sessions, will not expire which means you can set your own pace and schedule!
Practical Tips To
Flourish in Marriage
Learn how to get out of your routine and grow as a couple. Get practical tips to help you flourish in your marriage.
Learn Healthy Ways
To Deal With Conflict
Fighting fair is difficult for many reasons, and wanting to get our way is usually at the top of that list of reasons. Listen to real stories from real couples on how they bring peace and unity to their marriage. Get practical tips on how to deal with conflict in a healthy way.
Rekindle the Fun and
Intimacy In Your Marriage
Get the fire back in your marriage with innovative ideas. Learn creative ways to renew your spark and bring fun in your marriage.
Create Vulnerability In Your Marriage
Get back to being that safe place for one another and learning how to be best friends in your marriage.
Meet the Speakers
Click their pictures to find out more.
Our Speakers & Topics
Commitment Over Convenience: 4 Ways
To Be Committed To Your Marriage
Dr. Kim Kimberling from Awesome Marriage
Rekindling Intimacy and Romance in Your Marriage
Jim Burns from HomeWord
3 Ways to Get on the Same Page
About Sex
Juile Sibert from Intimacy in Marriage
Master the Moment of Conflict That Keep
Repeating in Your Marriage
Kelly Flanagan Author of Loveable
Your Couple-Type Dance &
the Enneagram Internal Profile (EIP)
Beth & Jeff McCord from Enneagram Coach
Your Marriage Can Survive Toddlers & Teens
Rhonda Stoppe from No Regrets Woman & Author
How to Avoid the Separate Lives Syndrome
Laura Taggart Author of Making Love Last
Modeling Marriage Well for Your Kids
Scott & Vanessa Martindale From Blended Kingdom Families
5 Keys to Being Best Friends in Marriage
Rich and DeAnna Millentree from Growing in Marriage
Marriage Bed Myth-Busting
J. Parker from Hot, Holy, & Humorous
Cultivating Vulnerability in Marriage
Marquise & Krystal from More 2 Marriage
Rebuilding a Broken Marriage
David & Lynn Cherry From Restoration Covenant Church
Becoming an Interdependent Family
Greg Gunn From Family ID